Jun 10 , 2024

10 Best Indian Cities to Enjoy During Hot Summer Weather

By True Scoop

Shimla: Pleasant climate, scenic landscapes, and cool temperatures.

Manali: Cool weather, beautiful mountains, and adventure activities.

Darjeeling: Refreshing weather, tea gardens, and stunning views.

Nainital: Mild temperatures, serene lakes, and lush greenery.

Munnar: Cool climate, tea plantations, and picturesque scenery.

Ooty: Comfortable temperatures, botanical gardens, and beautiful hills

Gangtok: Pleasant weather, monasteries, and Himalayan views.

Mussoorie: Refreshing climate, beautiful hills, and scenic walks.

Coorg: Cool temperatures, coffee estates, and natural beauty.

Leh: High-altitude coolness, stunning landscapes, and adventure opportunities.

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