Apr 20 , 2024

9 Documents That Can Be Used Instead Of Voter ID

By True Scoop

Aadhaar card: It is a unique identification card that government provides based on biometric data

Job card issued under MGNREGS: Employment card issued under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

Passbooks with photographs: Issued by banks that have all your details and a photograph attached

Health insurance smart card: Medical card made by government which can be used in various hospitals

Drivers’ license: It is the official document permitting an individual to drive motor vehicles

PAN card: Permanent Account Number card issued by the Income Tax Department for financial transactions

Passport: Official travel document issued by the government for international travel

Pension document with photograph: Document verifying pension status with a photograph

Service identity cards with photographs: Official identification card issued by employers with the holder's photograph

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