Ginger Lemon Shot: Blend ginger, lemon juice, and honey for a refreshing, immune-boosting health shot.
Turmeric Tonic: Mix turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, and water for an anti-inflammatory summer shot.
Mint Cooler: Blend fresh mint leaves, lemon juice, and water for a cooling, digestive aid.
Aloe Vera Elixir: Combine aloe vera gel, lemon juice, and honey for a hydrating, soothing health shot.
Cucumber Detox: Puree cucumber, mint, and lemon juice for a hydrating and detoxifying summer refreshment.
Watermelon Booster: Blend watermelon, lime juice, and a pinch of salt for an energizing, hydrating shot.
Coconut Lime Shot: Mix coconut water with fresh lime juice for a natural, electrolyte-rich hydration boost.
Apple Cider Refresher: Combine apple cider vinegar, honey, and water for a metabolism-boosting summer drink.