Jan 31 , 2024

8 Most ‘Honest’ Countries of the World

By True Scoop

Denmark: With the score of 85 on the CPI, Denmark was the least corrupt country in 2023

Finland: The Happiest country in the world was 2nd, scored 87 out of 100 on CPI

New Zealand: New Zealand saw a dip in its rank, scoring 85 in 2023 ranking 3rd.

Norway: The Scandinavian country scored a respectable 85, ranking it as the 4th least corrupt country.

Singapore: The Island country of Singapore scored 83 on the CPI, ranking 5th globally.

Sweden: The Nordic country scored 82 which is less than its score in 2022. It was 6th in the rankings

Switzerland: The diplomatic country of Switzerland scored 82 and was 7th in the rankings

Netherlands: The Dutch scored an impressive 82 out of 100 on the CPI, ranking 8th in the global rankings

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