May 09 , 2024

9 Most Incredible Women Of India You Didn't Know

By True Scoop

Sumedha Kailash: Rescued over 800 girls from trafficking, providing them with education through her organization ‘Ashray’

Sunitha Krishnan: She offers rehabilitation and support to thousands of rescued children through her NGO "Prajwala"

Sindhutai Sapkal: Overcame personal adversity to become the "Mother of Orphans", raising over 1,400 children from India

Manjula Pradeep: Advocates for the rights of Dalit women and children through her organization "Navsarjan"

Revathi Roy: She trained and empowered thousands of women to become professional drivers

Renuka Chowdhury: Dedicated her political career to championing women and children's rights

Ashweetha Shetty: She provides career guidance and skill development training to rural youth

Chetna Gala Sinha: Founded Mann Deshi Foundation, which empowers rural women through entrepreneurship

Prerna Singh: Started digital health platform that ensures children in remote areas receive timely healthcare facilities

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