Feb 27 , 2024

Simple behavioural tricks that can help you get more out of life

By True Scoop

Studies reveal that people enjoy good things in life more if they break them up into smaller pieces.

For instance, listening to music or getting a relaxing massage.

As we get used to the pleasant aspects of our life, both big and small, we notice and appreciate them less.

As per Guardian, a woman working with large travel company had asked customers from around the world to rate their feelings throughout their holidays.

Crunching those numbers revealed that joy peaked 43 hours in.

At the end of day two, after people had got their bearings, was when they were happiest.

Conclusion was you might benefit most from several small trips spread through the year, rather than one long escape.

This evidence suggests that you might benefit most from several small trips spread through the year.

Finally, it can be said that taking breaks in between work, celebrating small things & even small holidays are much more beneficial.

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