Mar 28 , 2024

10 Things you do that makes people lose respect for you

By True Scoop

Dishonesty: People who seem deceitful & have a habit of lying make people lose respect for them.

Disrespectful: Being disrespectful, belittling others can make people lose respect for you.

Complete unpredictability: Being completely unpredictable makes you seem unreliable.

Arrogance: Behaving in an arrogant way is seen as highly unlikeable.

Being selfish: Always talking about yourself is a big turn off resulting in people losing respect for you.

Irresponsibility: Not showing up when planned or expected makes people lose respect for you.

Rigidness: Not embracing change creates problems in a workspace resulting in people losing respect for you.

Gossiping: People who love gossiping & don’t mind their own business are not seen respectfully.

Lack of empathy: Feeling no care for your colleagues & showing no sympathy makes people dislike you.

Not listening: Not listening to other people’s opinions makes people repel.

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