May 18 , 2024

7 tips to keep WhatsApp chats private & safe

By True Scoop

Lock WhatsApp: Apart from your phone, keep your WhatsApp also password protected so no one accesses your chats

Block WhatsApp photos from appearing in photo roll: Exclude WhatsApp from photo roll so if it gets hacked at least your personal pics are safe

Hide 'last seen' timestamp: Although, it may not be a vital information, but for some scammers it can be

Restrict access to profile picture: Allow only those to see your profile pictures whose numbers you have saved

Watch out for scams: WhatsApp never sends you messages or email, if you receive one then be careful of it

Deactivate WhatsApp if you lose your phone: Try logging in to your WhatsApp from another sim, it will block your app if stolen

Be careful what you talk about: Try not to send your personal information like address, pictures, etc to anyone on WhatsApp

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