Jan 05 , 2024

10 top billionaires in Jeffrey Epstein's clients list

By True Scoop

In addition to Giuffre’s allegations, she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew, the British Royal participated in an “underage orgy.”

In 2021, Forbes estimated Bill Clinton's networth at $80 million. Bill Clinton's name in Jeffrey Epstein's clients list is most shocking.

Although not linked to any kind of wrong-doing, billionaire and former US President Donald Trump indeed knew Jeffrey Epstein.

Famous US lawyer Alan Dershowitz whose net-worth last estimated at $20 million was also on Jeffrey Epstein's clients list.

Al Gore, a US Politician and business, also came under the scanner after Jeffrey Epstein's files were unsealed.

American billionaire Leslie Wexner said he “was never aware of the illegal activity” Epstein was accused of committing.

Millionaire and politician Bill Richardson's name also came up after Giuffre testified that Maxwell sent her to have sex with late New Mexico Gov.

Late millionaire and French model scout Jean-Luc Brunel's name also came up when Giuffre testified against him.

In her 2016 deposition, Giuffre claimed to have had sex “once” with Hyatt hotel chain heir and US billionaire Tom Pritzker.

Maxwell “sent out” Giuffre to give the hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin.

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