Jan 03 , 2024

Top 10 worst-rated foods apart from India's Aloo Baingan

By True Scoop

Hákarl is Iceland's national delicacy made from cured shark flesh, namely Greenland shark and other sleeper sharks.

New York's Ramen burger, a unique variety of hamburger consisting of a meat patty that is sandwiched between two fried ramen noodles is number 2.

Israel's Yerushalmi Kugel is at number 3 and is a savory casserole made with thin cooked noodles that are coated in caramelized sugar.

At number 4 is Sweden's Kalvsylta. It is a simple meat dish made with minced veal that is simmered in meat stock along with gelatin.

Latvia's Sklandrausis is at 5. It is a round pie from Latvia prepared in the area since the 16th century.

Chile's Chapalele is at 6. It is a Chilean bread made with only two main ingredients – potatoes and flour.

Sweden's Calskrove is at 7. It consists of a calzone pizza that is stuffed with hamburgers.

Spain's Bocadillo de carne de caballo is number 8. It is a Spanish sandwich that’s filled with horse meat.

New Zealand's Marmite and Chip Sandwich is number 9. It consists of sliced butter bread coated in Marmite spread and sandwiched together.

Finland's Ryynimakkara is at 10. It often incorporate oats and meat such as pork or lamb, ryynimakkara.

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