Looking for a job in SBI? State Bank to recruit more than 15,000 people in FY 2025

SBI is also planning to open 300 branches this financial year, as against 139 opened in 2023-24.

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The State Bank of India (SBI) made a major announcement saying that it plans to recruit more than 15,000 people in the financial year 2025. These people will be appointed by the operations subsidiary – State Bank Operations Support Services to help expand the branch network. These recruitments will also be done to fill the place of retiring employees and to increase the capacity of the marketing team.


The operations subsidiary — State Bank Operations Support Services — became functional last year. The country’s largest lender is also planning to open 300 branches this financial year, as against 139 opened in 2023-24.


SBI Chairman, Dinesh Kahra said that he is ready to make new appointments as per requirements. SBI is already in the process of appointing 11,000-12,000 probationary officers in various categories in the current financial year.


Newcomers will first be introduced to the functioning of bank operations and will then be placed in the suitable roles. SBI had a total of 22,542 branches at the end of March 2023.


Due to the support from the operations subsidiary, the bank employed nearly 8000 people. This recruitment spree generally took place in semi-urban branches. An official of the subsidiary company said that more than 3000 people are added annually to help in the operations of the subsidiary company. The people recruited by the subsidiary company are deployed with proper process, marketing and documentation. SBI Group officials said that the people working in the subsidiary company have been given responsibilities of bank office work, marketing and recovery.
