10 best foods that help high BP patients

A few changes in the routine lifestyle may prove very useful in counteracting the sickness

Hypertension Blood Pressure Health News

Hypertension may be defined as the continuously increasing blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mm hg. High blood pressure is the disease devastating lives of 1.5 million people every year due to swift blood flow in the arteries. The illness is caused mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle, atherosclerosis, faulty food habits, obesity, irregular sleep, lack of exercise, etc. Therefore, in this corporate world where all are running behind money, a few changes in the routine lifestyle may prove very useful in counteracting the sickness.

Let us introduce you to a list of the most easily available and economical foods to prevent high blood pressure.

1.Bananas: Inculcating in them a rich mineral content, mainly potassium bananas play a vital role to control hypertension. Potassium lessens the effect of sodium which is easily lost through urine. Easing tension in the blood vessels, bananas can prove very useful to reduce hypertension. However, people with kidney stones must consult the doctor before consuming the same.

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2. Beetroot: Summer is here and can be beaten best by juices. Beet juice prevents stiffening of arteries supplying blood to arms, legs, stomach and kidneys. Therefore, it can prevent useful against heart strokes and hypertension.

3. Dark Chocolate: On a sad note, lot many children in India are affected by hypertension. It so amazing to note that a sugary pleasing treat may even reduce blood pressure.

4. Kiwis: Kiwis are the tangy fruits which find use in many smoothies, ice-creams and lunches. Being very rich in vitamin C, they prove effective against the illness.

5. Watermelon: Again a summer fruit which is extremely refreshing and contains 75%water.Watermelon contains citrulline which releases nitric oxide and relaxes blood vessels. Watermelon salad can be an excellent afternoon snack.

6. Oats: Start the day with a delicious oat meal. Oats are easy to prepare, economical and a quick recipe. Oats have beta-glucan to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

7. Garlic: It becomes a part of many soups, savory meals, and omelettes. Garlic can relax blood vessels and may be used an alternative to salt in many dishes.

8. Green Leafy vegetables: These contain a high content of magnesium which reduces hypertension to a great extent. Cabbage, spinach and many other veggies reduce blood pressure for almost 24 hours.

9. Lentils and pulses: Lentils are resourceful proteins forming a major part of the diet of vegetarians in India. Researchers have proved that lentils reduce blood cholesterol levels to a great extent.

10. Natural yogurt: Yogurt consumption can lower the risk of high blood pressure. This has proved to be more effective in women than in men. And what is the harm in having a bowl of yogurt each day to reduce the menace of high blood pressure.
However, one must avoid salt, caffeine and alcohol to reduce the risk of heart failure. Incorporating a balanced diet and good exercise in routine life can remove hypertension from its roots.

