‘403 students dead, Canada most unsafe’: SHOCKING statistics reveal most unsafe countries for Indians

In his address to the Parliament S. Jaishankar revealed the amount of Indian student deaths abroad, with Canada recording the most

Punjab, S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister, Canada Police, Vivek Saini, Neel Acharya, Indian Students Abroad, India, Trending, USA, Why are Indian Students Killed Abroad, Are Indians Unsafe- True Scoop

The number of deaths of Indian students abroad have been rising at a worrying pace in recent times. The death of 3 Indian students in US in just a week has sent shockwaves through the country. According to the information, four Indian students have died in America in a month. Many concerned parents are now wary of sending their children abroad for studying. Addressing these concerns, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar revealed the shocking statistics of deaths of Indian Students abroad to the Parliament in Lok Sabha on Friday.


Jaishankar revealed that since 2018, more than 400 Indian students have died abroad and the maximum number of deaths have occurred in Canada. Jaishankar said that the welfare of Indian students abroad is one of the top priorities of the government. He said that according to the information available with the ministry, 403 Indian students have died abroad since 2018 and these deaths have occurred due to different reasons. Some deaths were natural while some died in an accident.


It also came to the fore that Indian missions abroad respond on priority basis to any issues faced by Indian students. He told that most of the deaths occurred in Canada and Britain. Since 2018, 91 Indian students have died in Canada. After this, 48 students have died in Britain, 40 in Russia, 36 in America, 35 in Australia, 21 in Ukraine and 20 in Germany. According to the data, 14 Indian students have died in Cyprus, 10 each in Philippines and Italy, while 9 each in Qatar, China and Kyrgyzstan.


This topic recently garnered more attention after the horrifying news of 4 Indian deaths in US in just one month. An Indian student studying at the Purdue University was found dead at the airport in Ohio. An Indian Student, Vivek Saini was also brutally beaten to death with a hammer in the general store in the US by a homeless drug addict. Another Indian-American student, 18-year-old Akul B Dhawan at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign was found dead last month with signs of hypothermia. These incidents have sent a wave of panic amongst those looking to pursue their studies abroad.
