4th of July: 10 patriotic movies to watch on US Independence Day on OTT

Feeling patriotic on Fourth of July? Here are 10 movies you can watch today.

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May the 'Fourth' be with you! That's what Americans say. But why? It is said so because July 4 marks the anniversary of when Congress, comprised of delegates from the United States' original 13 colonies, signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document declared the nation's independence from Great Britain.

Patriotism is a tricky thing, and if you live In the United States, it hasn’t been particularly easy to come by in recent years. Fourth of July is a national holiday in the United States. People celebrate it with great enthusiasm, fireworks, family dinners, movies, and most importantly a lot of cake!

But, don't stress out if you have no plans. A good movie can make your holiday so much better. Here are 10 feel good movies to watch on this Fourth of July holiday.

To start with, on number 10 we have 'Lincoln', a movie about a former President who turned America into a land of equal opportunity.

On number 9, we have 'About My Father' which showcases cultural clashes between a father and son and eventually understanding the true meaning of family.

Next up, on number 8, we have 'Independence Day', the plot of the movie revolves around alien invasion on 4th of July. Don't miss out if you love aliens as much as you love the Fourth.

On number 7, we have 'Glory' which is a historical epic that focuses on the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.

On number 6, we have 'Born on the Fourth of July', the story revolves around the life of a veteran soldier and post-trauma patient named Ron Kovic played by Tom Cruise.

On number 5, we have 'The Sandlot', which is arguably the most American film made ever. A baseball game on the Fourth of July? Sounds like a plan! This movie is about baseball, freedom and an era of madness.

On number 4, we have 'Hamilton' which is based on the life of Alexander Hamilton who was an American revolutionary, statesman and Founding Father of the United States.

'Harriet' has made it to the top 3. The movie tells the story of abolitionist Harriet Tubman's legacy, including leading the Underground Railroad and guiding enslaved people to freedom.

At the 2nd number, we have 'Jaws' which is about a killer shark on the loose on Fourth of July weekend at a beach town in New England.

Last but definitely not least, on the top of the heap, we have '1776'. Released in 1972, this musical recounts the events surrounding the singing of Declaration of Independence.
