Diabetes drug capable of preventing kidney disease: Study

The study tested Janssen Pharmaceuticals’ drug Invokana

Diabetes drug capable of preventing kidney disease: Study | Janssen Pharmaceuticals,Johnson & Johnson,diabetes- True Scoop

A study conducted in United States put forth the theory that medicines used to help control blood sugar in patients with diabetes can also help to prevent slow down kidney disease, which causes millions of deaths each year and requires hundreds of thousands of people to use dialysis to stay alive. The study tested Janssen Pharmaceuticals’ drug Invokana.

While the doctor said that it hard to overstate the importance of this study, and what it means for curbing this problem, which is growing because of the obesity outbreak.

Janssen which is also a part of Johnson & Johnson conducted the study. The drug costs about $500 a month in the U.S. Out-of-pocket costs for patients may be different, depending upon insurance.

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Approximately 30 million Americans and more than 420 million people around the world are suffering from diabetes, Type 2  diabetes is the most common prevalent one. It occurs when the body can’t make enough or properly use insulin, which turns food into energy.

The research also said for every 1,000 people taking the drug for 2.5 years, there would be 47 fewer cases of one of these problems.

