Simple tips for teenage skin care

Here are some basic steps to follow to keep your skin healthy and glowing

Skin Care tips English News LifeStyle News

Teenage skin is very much like baby skin when talk about delicacy and should be taken care of. This doesn’t mean you need to put up many lotions and creams. If you are not up for any complicated skin care routine, these tips will be really helpful for you!!!

  • Make sure to wash your face twice daily. Splash your face as many times with plain cold water as it prevents dirt and excess oiliness from settling on your face.

  • Exfoliate your skin at least once in every week. Exfoliation helps in removing dead skin. It not only helps in reducing skin problems but also increases blood circulation, which in turn helps you to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

  • Drink lots of water to keep your system and skin really hydrated. This can help combat pimples and acne. Drinking as many as 8 glasses of water a day will help you get rid of the body and skin of toxins.

  • Don't use very hot water to wash your face as it makes your skin really dry. Hot showers and baths can lead to dry, itchy skin or even rashes. Cooler or lukewarm showers can keep your skin hydrated.

  • Applying moisturiser on damp skin can help lock in the water and also boosts hydration.
