Warnings that your body is lacking water

Water is involved in all the bodily functions from blood circulation to the control of body temperature and from digestion to excretion of waste products

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About 60% of the adult human body is made up of water. Without water, it is impossible for us to survive. Since the water in our bodies is continually being used or lost, it needs to be continually replaced, and the best fluid to replace it with is ‘water’. Here are few signs your body may flag, if you dehydrated.

Light-headedness and persistent headaches are a sign that your body needs water. When the hydration level drops in your body, it is a prompt that your body lacks water content. Also, the flow of oxygen and blood to the head decreases when your body remains dehydrated.

Poor Concentration
The human brain is composed of 90% of water. So when it dries out, it is sure to give out some signals.  Dehydrated brain affects your mood and memory. Dehydration also results in difficulty in focusing, forgetfulness and also troubles in communication.

Dry mouth and bad breath
Having a bad breath is another major sign that your body surely needs water. In the absence of water, your body creates less spit. Spit has antibacterial properties, in the absence of which bacteria dwells in your mouth bringing out bad breath.

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Increasing Weight
When you have sudden cravings for food, try having a glass of water before eating something. When you are dried out, your body send out false signals that you are hungry, but the truth is that you are really thirsty. 

Dry skin and lips
Dry skin also implies that your body is dehydrated. Body biggest organ is skin and therefore it requires a decent measure of water. Lower water quantity in your body might result into lesser sweat which ultimately leads to abundance of oil which may case breakouts, pimples and acne.
