Baby girl born with two mouths, doctors remove extra oral cavity

The rare condition is called diprosopus or the duplication of head and/or facial structures

Baby-Born-with-Two-Mouths Baby-Girl-Two-Mouths Two-Mouths-Baby
In a major astonishing event, a baby girl was born with two mouths. When the doctors conducted a scan in the third trimester, they detected an unusual mass close to the baby's mouth. However, the prenatal scan did not make it clear what the strange mass was. The doctors thought that it could be a cyst.

However, when the baby girl was born, doctors were baffled to find out that the mass was actually a second mouth. The extra mouth had its own lip, cavity, teeth and a small tongue that moves in synchronisation with her main tongue when she was fed.

The infant was lucky that her extra oral cavity did not cause her any problems in breathing or feeding. It was not even connected to her main mouth which functioned normally.

The rare condition is called diprosopus or the duplication of head and/or facial structures. About 35 cases of diprosopus are on record in humans since 1900. This condition has a greater incidence in females, the doctors said.

As per reports published in BMJ Journals, the medics said,"Our patient's craniofacial duplication is a rare case that presented as an isolated anomaly, with no associated syndromes or abnormalities."
