Bandidos True Story: All about 'real-life'  Miguel Morales who found the Yucatan treasure

Bandidos revolves around a group of treasure hunters as they venture on a dangerous underwater adventure in search of a highly-sought Mayan artifact called the Snake King's treasure.

OTT, Bandidos, Bandidos True Story, Bandidos Real Story, Bandidos Real Life Treasure, Is Bandidos True Story, Bandidos Yucatan Treasure, Bandidos Gold Panther Treasure, Bandidos Real Miguel Morales- True Scoop

The much-awaited treasure-hunting thriller Bandidos was released on Netflix on March 13, 2024, and ever since then it has become trending in multiple countries. Bandidos has been in the top 10 most watched series of the week on Netflix India. Courtesy of its gripping storyline and comical scenes, Bandidos is winning the hearts of fans around the world. To be precise, Bandidos revolves around a group of treasure hunters as they venture on a dangerous underwater adventure in search of a highly-sought Mayan artifact called the Snake King's treasure. Created by Pablo Tébar, Bandidos features Juan Pablo Medina as Wilson, Alfonso Dosal as Miguel Morales, Nicolás Furtado as Octavio, Ester Expósito as Lili, Andrea Chaparro as Citlali, Juan Pablo Fuentes as Lucas, and more in the leading roles. Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop News you have watched the Spanish series on Netflix and after wondering about Bandidos True Story or moreover Bandidos' real-life Yucatan treasure. Below is everything you need to know about Bandidos' real story. 

Is Bandidos a True story?


The answer is yes and no at the same time. Bandidos is a fictional story that uses real-life historical references and facts from the world of archaeology and the treasure of Yucatan. Before talking about Bandidos's True Story, let's understand the story in brief. The character of Miguel is reportedly fictional, however, Francisco De Montejo, Pedro De Alvarado, and Alonso De Avila were real-life conquerors who joined another conquistador named Juan de Grijalva. Therefore, the makers may have taken the liberty to get real-life inspiration and connect it with today's era. 


As mentioned above Bandidos is the story of a group of thieves who go on a voyage to unearth a Mayan artifact called the Snake King's treasure, a gold panther to be precise. Miguel leads a team of his thieves' friends supported by his uncle Wilson. Miguel met a man named Luis Fernandes De Montejo in the hotel, and the latter told him that Francisco De Montejo, the Spanish conqueror from the 1500s, was his ancestor. Miguel was not taking that drunk man seriously, but the mention of De Monetejo caught his attention. There, Miguel's belief that Aj Took’s treasure was there bolstered. Now, True Scoop News advises you to watch the series on what happened next. To know about Bandidos's True Story continue reading below- 


Bandidos True Story


As per a report, Francisco De Montejo, Pedro De Alvarado, and Alonso De Avila were actually real-life conquerors who joined another conquistador named Juan de Grijalva on his expedition to Yucatan. It is true that they found some gold reserves in Yucatan land, but the fact that a treasure was buried there was not true. 


Real-life Juan De La Cosa


As per reports, Juan de la Cosa was a real explorer and cartographer who was one of the first people to represent America on the map. He first represented Europe, and later on, in the 15th century, around the same time when Francisco de Montejo was going on an expedition to Yucatan, he added a few American territories to his map. In Bandidos, the makers have shown that Luis Fernandes De Montejo had tattooed La Cosa’s map on his body, and the original copy was kept in Aerial’s Tavitian Museum.


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