Battle for survival between a prey and a predator leaves Netizens in awe

A TikTok video shared on Twitter shows people in open jeep safari almost coming in the crossfire of a primal battle for survival between a gazelle and tiger. Does the tiger kill the gazelle? What does this video take YOU back to? Watch.

Battle-for-survival-between-a-prey-and-a-predator TikTok-video shared-on-Twitter

Most people find themselves psychologically detached from their animalistic instincts of “kill or be killed” in the modern civilisations that we get born, live, and die in.

Videos like this shock us down to our instincts where there is no surrender and there is no escape, and the moment right here and right is a battle for survival.

And one of us is not getting back up.

This is the reason why this video is viral, why the rocket speed of both the animals is so moving, because there is no second chance for either of them – either the prey will die at the hands of the predator or the predator will die of hunger.

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There is no surrender and there is no escape.

Game over for one of us.
