The Bengaluru Water crisis poses an important question: How late is too late?

Bengaluru was the recipient of one of the worst water crisis in recent memory, which begs the question, how long before it is too late to make a change?

Youth, Extra Lens, Bengaluru Water Crisis, Save Water, Water Shortage, Climate Crisis, Climate Change, Global Warming, Water Crisis- True Scoop

A few days back, news travelled across social media and newspapers about the silicon valley facing severe water crisis. Apparently, the towering sky-scrapers and latest technology failed to provide the basic amenities to the people of Bengaluru. 


The acute water shortage has forced people to work from home. Orders have been issued against using water for washing vehicles, constructing roads, any kind of entertainment or any other non-essential purposes. Heavy fines have been imposed and collected by the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board from the violators. It is extremely disheartening and concerning to see a place so full of opportunities and dreams suffering like this. No matter how far we succeed or how much we achieve, there are a few things we will always need and water is topmost among them.


The crisis of Bengaluru is just a preview of what is coming in future. The issue of water is something that is always brushed under the rug. Everybody knows of it, understands it but no one is ready to take any initiative about it. We live in a country where we are always ready to practice our fundamental rights but never bother about the duties that come along with them. It is as simple as throwing the trash into the bin and not into water bodies, or to turn off a tap running unnecessarily.


It must be understood that change never comes drastically, it is achieved by taking one small step at a time. In a country like India with world’s largest population, water conservation is of utmost importance. It must also be taken into consideration that half of our country’s main occupation is agriculture. Fresh groundwater contributes as main source of irrigation for around 60% of the cultivation. 


The rest is either rainfed or irrigated through rivers and canals. Rice is one of the main cereal crops to be cultivated in India and to grow 1 kilogram of rice, around 5500 litres of water is required , it is equal to 5 and a half normal sized water tanks present in our households. There are places where people are paying more than Rs 1500 for a single tank of that water


The most productive agriculture states like Punjab and Haryana are facing a looming water scarcity in the future due to the rapidly falling water levels. Another big matter of concern is the contamination of the water bodies which is making that water unfit for all purposes. The river Ganga, worshipped akin to a deity in India, is said to be the fifth-most polluted river in the world. It stretches over 2510 Kilometres and the water is used for various daily activities including drinking which leads to waterborne diseases like cholera & typhoid.


Many children die of these diseases each year. Water which is the giver and nurturer of life can also lead to its end. If this vicious cycle of wasting and infecting the water goes on, one day will come when there will be nothing left but regrets and what ifs, but they won’t be enough to sustain human life. Now it is on us to decide that how late is too late?
