4 common factors that are making your kids 'night owl' & addicted to phones

As per a study, the average sleeping time was delayed in 77% of children because of mobile addiction which hampers the activities of the next day as they can't get up early in the morning.

Youth Mobile Addiction 4 common mistakes Mobile Addiction

There is a common problem of all the parents that their children don't get up early in the morning, they are night owls. According to them, They prefer to sleep till late which is not a good habit. Waking up early in the morning is part of a disciplined life and also as per some old sayings, it is considered that the person who wakes up early will get success someday. 

Parents think that the reason for their children's sleeping till late morning is their phone addiction. Children use phones till late at night. That is the sole reason for their waking up late. 


A survey has found that at least 93 % of children prefer to play mobile games and they do not like to play outdoor games. The surveyors came to know from the parents that 64% of children also talk in their sleep about mobile phones. The average sleeping time was delayed in 77% of children because of mobile addiction which hampers the activities of the next day as they can't get up early in the morning.


Due to their mobile phone addiction children feel lonely without their phones. They interact with their family members and friends in person less. Now the main question is what is the reason behind this addiction to mobile phones in children?


Nowadays, mothers give their kids mobile phones so that they can complete their household chores completely, which is one of the main reasons for mobile addiction in children at a very young age. There are many cases found where kids refuse to eat food without getting something to watch on mobile phones. Later on, this addiction gets intensified with the passing time and age of children. 


In this busy lifestyle, parents often avoid interaction with their kids and avoid spending time with them which leads them towards the addiction to phones. They use mobile phones to avoid their loneliness.

Another reason is considered the increasing use of social media apps, which keeps a person attached to it without caring about time. This is another reason for the increasing addiction to mobile phones not only in children but in adults also. 

Mobile addiction is the biggest reason why today's generation is less interactive and social while meeting someone in person. Mobile addiction can cause a lot of problems like sleep deficit, anxiety, impulsive disorder, loneliness, neck problems, and smartphone blindness. 

It is a serious problem nowadays, everyone needs to be aware of this issue, We need to look after this. Mobiles are an important part of life, we cannot imagine our life without mobile phones but it is also necessary to keep a check on our screen time to avoid any harm from mobile phones. Parents should also avoid giving phones to their kids and spend more time with them so that they don't feel lonely. 
