Customer alleges Cockroach found in Vrindavan Dosa’s food in Jalandhar; Owner says false claim

The enraged customer caused uproar outside Vrindavan restaurant in Jalandhar, the owner said it’s just an attempt to defame the franchise

Punjab, Trending, Jalandhar Vrindavan Dosa, Cockroach Found in Food Jalandhar, Food Safety Jalandhar, Customer Food Allegations Jalandhar, Jalandhar News Today, Local News Today, Punjab News Today, Food Safety Department Punjab, Public Health Concern, Famous Restaurant Controversy- True Scoop

The famous restaurant named Vrindavan Dosa, located on Cool Road in Jalandhar, Punjab, is now in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. On Wednesday, after cockroaches were found in the food of a family who had come to eat dosa, they created a ruckus outside the restaurant. The family alleged that they were also misbehaved with by the restaurant owners. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police of Police Station-6 reached the spot for investigation.


Sushil had come to the prolific restaurant to eat dosa with his wife in the afternoon. He ordered tea along with the Dosa. But things took a disgusting turn as a cockroach emerged from his half-eaten food. Sushil said that he had been going there to eat dosa for the past 15 years, but this had never happened before.


Sushil said- When he complained about this, the worker also admitted that he had made a mistake. After which he saw the kitchen and found that there was no cleanliness inside. He also said that his wife’s health started to deteriorate. Sushil said that he will file and official complaint about this to the Food Supply Department.


The owner of the restaurant informed that she was out somewhere in the afternoon, when she got a call that some customer was creating ruckus in the restaurant. When she reached the spot, it was found that cockroaches were found in the customer's food. She apologized to the customer and said she will get it investigated and that action will be taken against whoever is at fault. But the customer did not listen to her and forcefully entered her kitchen, she says. She also says the customer misbehaved with her and the staff.


The owner said that there is a dispute going on regarding their property and due to their rivalry, only an attempt is being made to defame them. We have been working here for more than 35 years, but this has never happened. The restaurant is cleaned three times a day. All the allegations against him are false. These allegations are all just for publicity.
