Cyberbullying Victimization: What is it and the ways to keep yourself protected from it?

A 2022 study by the CyberPeace foundation revealed that 72% of Indian teens have witnessed cyberbullying and 34% have been victims themselves.

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The Internet is a tool that most people get exposed to. It makes the lives of people using it easier. Internet is a great source of connecting with people, and getting help in education, entertainment, healthcare, etc. But just as everything in the world, this too has some set of rules embedded in it, that's where digital citizenship comes in. Here's why it matters and how to stay safe!


Cyberbullying in India

Cyberbullying is basically when technology is used to threaten, harass or embarrass the other person. It's a serious issue all around the world and India is no exception. This can have a devastating impact on the victims as it can lead to depression, anxiety or even self-harm.

Being a Good Digital Citizen

A good digital citizenship is all about being responsible, respectful and safe online. Here are some key habits that a person must develop so that you don’t harm anyone online, or become the victim of online harassment.

  •         Think Before You Reply: Would you say this to someone's face? Would you like this if someone said it to you? Pause and make sure that anything you are writing must not harm anyone mentally or emotionally.


  •         Privacy Matters: Think about what information you're posting online, don't overshare personal information or passwords. Consider switching to a private or locked account. Many people are just sitting online to make you a victim of cyber fraud. It’s better to share only that much information, which cannot be misused in future.


  •         Be Web-Savvy: Learn how to fact-check information and news, double-check sources and make sure what you're about to repost/forward is the whole truth. It’s very important to check if anything that you are sharing is authentic and supported by known organizations.


  •         Stand-Up: If you're seeing someone getting cyberbullying, don't just be a passive bystander- report it to the platform or even to an adult. Helping someone in need is very important. Provide them with numbers that can be helpful or make sure that you don’t hesitate while reporting it.


  •         Be Positive: Keep your morality in check, try using your online presence to share kindness and positivity. Internet is a blessing if used in right way. Make it a place where people love to come and share not a place where people are scared to even post a picture.

Online safety is highly valued by the Indian government. They have initiated several programs, have a look:

Each year in October, there is a month dedicated to teaching the nation about cybersecurity called National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Also, this campaign aims at promoting digital literacy among people while enlightening them on how they can stay safe online.

Another initiative taken by our government was setting up ‘Cyber Suraksha Kendra’ (CSK) which provides training and resources related to cyber safety all over India.

Furthermore, there is a portal where people can easily report cyber crimes known as the Cyber Crime Reporting Portal.


Safety While United

Our effort should not be solely but collectively because it involves individuals, schools and governments too; Together we shall create a healthier internet for us all. Keep in mind that good digital citizenship takes time before one becomes perfect at it thus remain teachable, and watchful but most importantly practise kindness!
