ScoopOfTheState: Dear Punjab CM, will corruption really end in these departments?

Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is going to launch an anti-corruption helpline number on the occasion of Martyr’s Day. But, is this enough to end corruption in Punjab?

Martyrs Day, anti corruption helpline, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann, CM Bhagwant Mann when corruption will end, Corruption in Punjab, Corruption in government departments, End corruption in Punjab, Punjab News, TrueScoop News- True Scoop
After Aam Aadmi Party has come to power, the people of Punjab have great hopes from them. Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is going to launch an anti-corruption helpline number on the occasion of Martyr’s Day. But, is this enough to end corruption in Punjab?  We feel if they will pay attention to these 7 places, then, more than 100 Crores will be saved in the pockets of ‘Aam Aadmi’ instead of giving this money away as a bribe.

Know these 7 places where utmost attention is required –

1. Tehsil: Taking bribes is a common practice among tehsildars, nayab tehsildars and patwaris across India. If you are going to apply for your plot’s registry, for an amount of Rs 10 lakh, Rs 2000 will be charged as a bribe. In case any other work is required to be done in tehsil more charges will be taken as a bribe by the agents. IAS Kishan Kumar once tried bringing into limelight this scam but nothing happened. No further inquiry was carried out against the agents. Though many services are getting provided online still corruption remains in this department.

2. Municipal Corporation: No inquiry has been conducted against illegal buildings in the state. For the last 30 years, many illegal buildings have been built in Jalandhar, but, no action has been taken against them. The reason being political shelter has been provided to builders. PUDA built a large number of colonies. No one keeps a proper check on them.
3. Improvement Trust: Improvement Trust is mostly regarded as the most corrupt department. It is worth mentioning that for a long time there were complaints of Improvement Trust Jalandhar. This is because when a government formed through an alliance, they didn’t bother to appoint a Chairman. It was appointed just before the elections in Punjab. Punjab Vigilance conducted raids in this department and arrested corrupt staff too.

4. Taxation: Due to multiple hearings in old cases, many times people fall victims and come in contact with corrupt officers. Punjab Vigilance has arrested such officers many times but no proper investigation has been carried out against them.

5. Transport Department: Many times it has come to notice that the challans were being disposed under the table, therefore causing huge losses to the state exchequer. The staff has been accused of removing the challan documents from the office after taking the bribe. They do so because the staff gets their commission from the agents. The agents usually charge Rs 500 to Rs 1500 as bribes.

6. Police: Police corruption is a form of police misconduct in which law enforcement officers end up breaking their political contracts and using their power for personal gain. Internal police corruption is a challenge to public trust. Cases have been reported against cops where they have been accused of taking bribes and indulging in other illegal activities.

7. Food Assessment Department: Jalandhar residents have complained many times about the poor quality food provided by the government. Poor wheat quality is one such issue. Before elections, Congress govt-issued an order that no relaxation should be given in such cases. Earlier, they took no action.

 Now, Aam Aadmi Party is launching an anti-corruption helpline number on March 23. We hope that Punjab CM will now pay more attention to the above-mentioned departments to make Punjab corruption-free. Moreover, we urge the people of our country not to take or give bribes. Many facilities are available online. Make use of them by acquiring proper knowledge.
