Ludhiana: Elderly couple strangled to death

An elderly couple has been strangled to death in GTB Nagar, Ludhiana.

Murder, Ludhiana, Elderly couple, Strangled, CCTV DVR,  Murder, Police, Crime, Punjab, Law  and Order- True Scoop

In a shocking incident, an elderly couple was strangled to death at GTB Nagar in Ludhiana. The bodies of both were recovered from the third floor of the building.  After getting information, police reached the spot. The deceased have been identified as retired Air Force Bhupinder Singh and his wife Shushpindra.

The son and daughter-in-law of the elderly couple were on the ground floor of the building at the time of the incident. The incident came to light when the couple's son went to the third floor on Wednesday morning. The accused have also taken away with them the DVR of the CCTV. Houseware was scattered. At present, the police have reached the spot and started investigating. 
