Did you ever dry your iPhone in a bag of rice? Apple issues alternatives on how to dry your wet phone

Apple issued a guideline telling users drying iphones could result in small particles of the grain damaging the phone.

Youth, Trending, iPhone Dry, iPhone Dry Rice Bag, Rice Bag iPhone Dry, Apple Guidelines Wet iPhone, Wet iPhones, How To Dry Wet iPhones- True Scoop

People often come up with hilarious tactics to save money and when it comes to the iPhone people in India resort to multiple 'jugaad'. For instance, people must have used a bag of rice to dry their wet mobile phones at some time. While approaching service centre may be costly, using a desi jugad to dry your smartphone can go a long way. Right? No! absolutely not. Apple has recently issued a statement advising people to not dry their iPhones in a bag of rice. Below is what Apple said- 

As per reports, Apple issued a guideline telling users drying iphones could result in small particles of the grain damaging the phone. The firm said people should instead gently tap out any liquid, with the phone connector facing down, then leave it to dry out. Furthermore, Apple strictly advises against drying a wet phone using an "external heat source or compressed air", meaning radiators and hairdryers should be avoided. Also, it suggests that Apple users not try inserting "a foreign object, such as a cotton swab or a paper towel" into their phone.


In place of it, Apple guided people to leave their phone in a "dry area with some airflow" before reconnecting it to a charger. It is pertinent to mention here that all Apple devices from the iPhone 12 onwards are able to withstand immersion up to a depth of six metres, for up to half an hour. 
