#FirstStoryPositive: 3 inspiring Firozpur school girls ride a boat across Sutlej just to attend school

5 students of this village completed their schooling by crossing the raft in the same way, but now the girls driving the raft to school by themselves is inspiring in itself.

First story positive, firozpur girls, 3 girls inspiring story, inspiring story, Firozpur girls cross stulej river, Special, Coverage, Special Report, Analysis, Behind The Scenes news- True Scoop

If you have passion to achieve your dream, there is no obstacle that you can’t overcome. This saying is true for everyone’s life and 3 young girls of village Kaluwala are a real-life example of the same. Three young girls namely Kirana Rani, Kareena Kaur and Sonamjit everyday cross path full of hurdles just to attain education to achieve future dreams. These girls firstly walk from their village to bank of river, then cross the whole river on a raft all by themselves and it does not end here. The girls then again walk for 4 kilometers more to reach their school situated in village Gati Rajoke.

Everyone who is getting to know their story feels like saluting them for bravery they have shown to study despite lack of facilities for doing the same. These three girls leave their house an hour and a half before the school time and drive a raft in the Sutlej river, then walk four kilometers to the school from the other side. Girls revealed that it becomes more difficult to reach school when the weather is foggy or rainy, but still nothing stops them from going to school.

Out of all three, one girl stated that she wants to serve the country by joining the Indian Army after studying. This thought came in her mind when she saw soldiers deployed near their village as it falls on Indo-Pak border. Since these students belong to small farming families, so after studying they also help their family with house and farm work.

THe greatest thing is that when you really want to achieve something and if someone strives heard to do it, God opens up all gates for them. The teachers of school looking at their passion have decided to borne expenses of all three till class 12th.

Principal of their school, Dr. Satindra Singh said that before this, 5 students of this village completed their schooling by crossing the raft in the same way, but now the girls driving the raft to school by themselves is inspiring in itself.

