'Freedom of press on a toss': Chinese security drags Dutch journalist reporting on Beijing Winter Olympics; Watch

In a video clip from the Dutch broadcaster, one of the reporters covering Beijing Winter Olympics is shown being manhandled by a Chinese security guard wearing a red armband.

Beijing-Winter-Olympics Beijing-Journalist-Manhandled Beijing-Journalist-Viral-Video
The Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 kickstarted on Friday amid a diplomatic boycott of China from various countries around the world including the USA, India, and more. At a time when the world is filled with rage over China over COVID, not respecting its neighbor's territorial boundaries, and politicizing the games, another tyranny of the XI Jinping police force came into the limelight. 

As known to the world, the press in China is regulated by its government i.e. Xi Jinping's administration. China makes sure that any content that goes outside its country showcases its version of reality making the freedom of the press in the country almost nil. Now, in a video clip from the Dutch broadcaster, one of the reporters covering the Beijing Winter Olympics is shown being manhandled by a Chinese security guard wearing a red armband.

Sjoerd den Daas, the reporter, attempted to continue his show while being held and screamed at by the guard, but NOS cut away to the studio. The reporter Sjoerd den Daas tried to resume his broadcast, however, he was pushed away in what appears to be one of China's latest intimidation tactics aimed at international journalists.

Dutch broadcaster NOS shared the video of China's intimidation tactics on Twitter and wrote, "Our correspondent [den Daas] was pulled away from the camera by security guards at 12:00 pm live in the NOS Journaal. Unfortunately, this is increasingly becoming a daily reality for journalists in China. He is fine and was able to finish his story a few minutes later."
