'Girls experience more peer pressure than boys', reveals study; Here's how to come out of it

Peer pressure is like someone is pushing you to make a choice you don’t want to make.

Youth, Extra Lens, Peer Pressure, Peer Pressure India, Peer Pressure Amon Girls, Peer Pressure Study, Peer Pressure Survey, Peer Pressure Data, Peer Pressure In Numbers, Peer Pressure Girls, Peer Pressure Boys, Peer Pressure Solution, How to come out from Peer Pressure- True Scoop

Peer Pressure is a big deal for teenagers. It happens when you feel like you have to do something because your friends are doing it. It’s not just a high school thing – it can happen in middle school and even earlier. Sometimes, adults feel it too. It can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do. It’s good to have friends, but sometimes they can make you do things that aren’t good for you.


Many teens want to fit in and be liked by others. So, when faced with tough situations, they go along with what everyone else is doing. They are afraid they will be left out or made fun of if they don’t. Feeling pressured is tough. It’s like someone is pushing you to make a choice you don’t want to make. Sometimes, it’s ok! When friends encourage you to do something good, like facing a fear or doing well in school. However, usually, peer pressure tries to make you do things you’re not comfortable with. It’s hard to say no!.....

Peer pressure happens in many ways, sometimes without us even realizing it. A common example is when friends pressure each other to smoke. Some may think it’s cool, but it’s harmful. Teens may start smoking just because their friends tell them to try it, even if they don’t like it. Once you start giving in to pressure, it’s easier to make bad choices. And bad choices can lead to bad outcomes in the future. 


What does the study say about peer pressure?

According to NIH research, 90% of teens have experienced peer pressure, and 85% of high school students have felt it. Furthermore, studies have found that girls experience more peer pressure than boys. 32% of girls have felt pressure about their body image, compared to 19% of boys, and 24% of girls have felt pressure to do better in tests and school, compared to 17% of boys.

Learning to resist peer pressure takes time. But you have to believe in yourself and be confident. Some teens feel like they have to lie or pretend to be someone they are not. But saying no is important and empowering. Also learning to say no and standing up for yourself is crucial. Setting goals and avoiding negative influences can help. It’s okay to walk away from situations or people that make you uncomfortable. Not everyone will like you, and that’s okay too. Your power to say no gets easier over time.

Peer pressure is something many teens and youth face. But it’s important to recognize it and learn how to deal with it. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and making good choices are key. stand up for yourself, and remember that you have the power to control your own life.
