Hafiz Saeed poisoned by unknown men? 26/11 mastermind allegedly fighting for life in Pakistan hospital

Hafiz Saeed was allegedly poisoned by unknown men and after that, he was rushed to a hospital where he was admitted to an ICU under tight security.

India, Trending, Hafiz-Saeed, Hafiz-Saeed-poisoned, Hafiz-Saeed-poison, Hafiz-Saeed-Pakistan, Hafiz-Saeed-Pakistan-Poison, Hafiz-Saeed-Death, Hafiz-Saeed-ICU, Hafiz-Saeed-ICU-Pakistan-Hospital-poison- True Scoop

In a massive development, Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed is admitted to a hospital in Pakistan and fighting for his life in ICU. Yes! you heard it right. If reports are true then Hafiz Saeed was recently poisoned by unknown men and after that, he was rushed to a hospital where he was admitted to an ICU. As per Jaipurdialogues, Hafiz Saeed is undergoing treatment amid tight security of Pakistani authorities. Hafiz Saeed's poisoned reports came after PM Modi assured the people that India would leave no terrorists and if needed they would enter into the enemy's territory to hunt them down. Not only this, India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had also said similar things. 


In December 2023, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said India has requested the Pakistan government to extradition Hafiz Saeed to India for face trial in a particular case. However, Pakistan took an obvious stance by rejecting India's request to send the terrorists living on their soil. Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra confirmed that they received India's request to extradite Lashkar-E-Taiba (LeT) chief and alleged 26/11 Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed. Zahra has said that no bilateral extradition treaty exists between India and Pakistan for the extradition process of the United Nations (UN) proscribed terrorists. 


For the unversed, Jamat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed was in the custody of Pakistan serving a 78-year-imprisonment sentence as a result of a conviction in seven terror financing cases. Interestingly, if Hafiz Saeed has been poisoned in reality then it is possible that the unknown men carried it out in the Pakistani jail. 


It is pertinent to mention here that neither India's MEA nor Pakistan have reacted to Hafiz Saeed's poisoned reports. Interestingly, a few months back, similar reports surfaced regarding the underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. It was claimed that India's most wanted Dawood had been poisoned. However, later, Chota Rajan refused Dawood Ibrahim's death in Pakistan.
