How Canada's Visa services hit as diplomatic row reduces staff in India; Details inside

Diplomatic row impacts Canada's visa services in India

Trending, Canada, India, Diplomatic Row, Visa Processing, Canadian Diplomats, Immigration Department, Visa Applications, Backlog, Alternative Solution, Diplomatic Immunity, Dispute Resolution, Consulate Services, Safety of Diplomats- True Scoop

During recent diplomatic talks, Canada decided to recall a significant number of its ambassadors from India, resulting in visa and consular activities that could significantly affect many individuals seeking employment opportunities.


At present, there are merely 21 diplomats from Canada remaining in India, out of which 27 are retired diplomats serving in the Immigration Service. This presents a significant concern as it may cause delays in the processing of approximately 17,500 visa applications from India.


In order to tackle this issue, Richard Kurland, an immigration lawyer, has put forth an alternative solution. He proposes that Canada should utilize its online system to transfer files or passports to other locations for processing, thus ensuring that the applicants' needs are adequately addressed.


The strained diplomatic relations between Canada and India originated from the Indian government's decision to revoke the diplomatic immunity granted to Canadian representatives. This action subsequently led to India's demand for Canada to withdraw its agents and observers from the country, ultimately resulting in the current predicament.


Melanie Jolie, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, emphasized that Canada will no longer decrease the number of Indian diplomatic staff present in Canada. This decision aims to facilitate the resolution of the dispute between the two nations.


Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Jolie stressed that Canada will no longer reduce the number of Indian diplomatic staff in Canada. The decision is aimed at settling the dispute between the two countries.


Minister Joly emphasized that the revocation of diplomatic immunities was necessitated to ensure the safety of Canadian diplomats and enable them to carry out their duties effectively in foreign countries.


The reduction in Canadian diplomatic personnel in India has already resulted in service interruptions at Canadian consulates in Chandigarh, Mumbai, and Bangalore, affecting individuals seeking consular assistance.
