How has globalization helped the local artisans of India to flourish worldwide?

Native arts, crafts, and traditions can attain a global audience via digital media

Globalization, Globalization in India, Effect of Globalization in India, How globalization helps local artisans, Globalization betterment for local artisans, What is Globalization, Importance of Globalization, Is Globalization Good- True Scoop

What is globalisation?

Globalisation is the mechanism through which businesses and societies get interconnected and interdependent on a global scale. It substantially influenced the local communities worldwide. It has led to both positive and negative effects in lifestyles globally.

How globalisation foster cultural diversity?

It also promotes cultural diversity. It allows for greater appreciation and understanding of different cultures. As a consequence of which hybrid cultures are formed that integrate elements from various backgrounds. Food, music, fashion, etc have been drastically influenced and hybridised as a result of globalisation. They keep getting embedded into various cultures and this intermixing of cultures, whether western or local, leads to cultural diversity.

What is homogenisation?

One of the most notable effects of globalisation on local cultures is cultural homogenisation. With global media, brands, and ideologies spreading, local traditions and customs get overshadowed. For instance, Western fashion, food, and entertainment have seeped into many societies, sometimes outshining the native cultures. This affects the unique cultural practices that have been passed down through generations. For example, in India, people used to wear traditional clothes but now, western culture has had a great effect on how people in India dress themselves. Similarly, the food that the people of India eat now, is not what they traditionally used to. Multiple cuisines have travelled to India and people enjoy having them a lot.

How globalisation helps local artisans?

Globalisation provides platforms for cultures to gain popularity and come on the front foot. Native arts, crafts, and traditions can attain a global audience via digital media, tourism, and international trade. This exposure helps to preserve and restore these cultures, thereby providing financial opportunities and livelihood to the local artisans and communities.

Conclusion: -

In conclusion, the effects of globalisation on local cultures are complex and versatile, including both positive and negative aspects. While it promotes various cultures, it also brings about challenges in preserving local cultures. Balancing the benefits of globalisation with the need to protect and sustain local cultures is important to create a world where diverse cultures can thrive and coexist harmoniously.
