How to register yourself on Tokyo Futari Story? Japanese Govt's dating app to boost birth rate

Tokyo Futari Story was first launched on a trial basis and now the Japanese Government has decided to go ahead with the plan after witnessing a positive result and curiosity among Japanese singles

Trending, Tokyo Futari Story, Japan Dating App, Tokyo Futari Story How To Register, How to apply Tokyo Futari Story, Tokyo Futari Story Eligibility, Japan Government Dating App, Japan Fertility Rate, Japan Birth Rate, . Japan Birth Rate 2023- True Scoop

To counter a continuous decline in the birth rate, the Japanese Government has come up with a unique idea of launching a dating app to connect singles. The Japanese dating app is called Tokyo Futari Story. While dating app is not a new concept, a country's government funding and even running it is quite a new concept. As per reports, Tokyo Futari Story was first launched on a trial basis and now the Japanese Government has decided to go ahead with the plan after witnessing a positive result and curiosity among Japanese singles. Tokyo Futari Story is expected to launch in late 2024 officially. Now, the question arises what is Tokyo Futari Story and how to register on it? Below is all about Tokyo Futari Story- 

What is Tokyo Futari Story?

As per reports, the Japanese dating app, "Futari," means "two people." This reflects the initiative's primary goal: fostering romantic relationships that could lead to marriage. The initiative includes a website offering love advice and general information for singles, but its cornerstone is a dating app currently under development and scheduled for a late 2024 release.

To access the Tokyo Futari Story dating app, users must sign a letter stating they are willing to get married and submit documentation proving that they are legally single.

Other requirements include a tax certificate slip to prove their annual salary. A Tokyo government official in charge of the new app was quoted saying, "We learned that 70% of people who want to get married aren't actively joining events or apps to look for a partner...We want to give them a gentle push to find one."

Notably, Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has described country's declining birth rate as the "gravest crisis our country faces."

Reacting to Japan's dating app, Elon Musk on X wrote, "I m glad the government of Japan recognizes the importance of this matter. If radical action isn’t taken, Japan (and many other countries) will disappear!"

Japan's birthrate

As per US media reports, Japan’s fertility rate has reached a record low. Japan with a population of 123.9 million people only recorded 727,277 births last year. The fertility rate – defined as the total number of births a woman has in her lifetime – dropped from 1.26 to 1.20. For a population to remain stable, it needs a fertility rate of 2.1. Anything above that will see a population expand, with a large proportion of children and young adults, as seen in India and many African nations.
