International Yoga Day 2022: 5 pregnancy Yoga poses for a strong, healthy & safe Pregnancy

Yoga during pregnancy, also known as prenatal yoga or prenatal yoga, keeps the mind of a pregnant woman calm.

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International Yoga Day 2022: Yoga is beneficial for the health of the body and mind. Yoga is a spiritual practice that instils calmness, confidence and courage. Through yoga, the activities of the body and mind can be done in a better way. Yoga is a practice that keeps you away from many diseases. In such a situation, regular yoga practice is advised. Understanding the importance of yoga, the celebration of International Yoga Day started to make the world aware. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed to celebrate Yoga Day internationally at the United Nations General Assembly. After getting approval, it was announced to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day. But why is Yoga Day celebrated only on 21st June? You may not know many facts about the beginning of this day. Let us know about the interesting element related to Yoga Day.

You can do yoga even during 9 months of pregnancy to keep your co-born baby healthy. Many yoga asanas can be done during pregnancy. But before starting any kind of new thing, definitely consult a doctor.

Yoga during pregnancy, also known as prenatal yoga or prenatal yoga, keeps the mind of a pregnant woman calm. Before delivery, yoga experts and doctors have been emphasizing time and again that simple exercises like walking and yoga can help with pregnancy problems. Pranayama should be included in the daily routine in all three quarters, as it gives relief from negative moods like anger and stress. Here we are telling you some simple yoga asanas that you can do during pregnancy.

Note: All the easy ones mentioned here are for different periods of pregnancy. Do these only in the presence of an expert.

Butterfly Asana

This asana can be done from the third month of pregnancy. This brings flexibility to the body and also reduces discomfort during delivery. To do this asana, fold both the legs in front and join your feet. Make the posture of Namaste with both the feet. Crossing the fingers of both hands, grab the toes of the foot and hold your feet up and down. If you feel pain in the lower back while doing this asana, then do not do it at all.


By doing this asana, there is relief from back pain and the weight does not increase much after delivery. To do this asana, first, sit comfortably in Sukosan. Keeping the back straight, draw the breath in and join both the hands in the posture of Namaste. Stay in this state for some time and become normal after a while. Do not do this asana more than 2-3 times. The effect of blood is cured and the spinal cord is also strong. 

This increases the energy level. For this, by laying a cloth on the ground, stand on your knees and while inhaling the breath, slowly bend the body back. Now try to hold both the heels with your hands. While doing this, keep the neck and both the hands straight. Do this asana for 30 seconds to 1 minute only.


By doing this asana, the spine, legs, and neck get a light massage. Sit straight and spread your legs in front. While inhaling, raise your arms to the shoulders. Keep the palm facing down. Now while exhaling, bend your body slightly from the side of the waist and bend your head and hands in the same direction. Don't let your knees bend. Now while inhaling come back to the original position and keep your hands at the level of your shoulders parallel to each other. Repeat the same process on the other side.

First of all, stand straight. After this, slowly try to bend your knees in the way of sitting on the chair. While doing this mudra, raise both your hands straight in the posture of namaskar and move them upwards. By doing this asana, the flow of blood starts smoothly in the body and the bones of the spine are strengthened, which can avoid back pain or back pain during pregnancy.

To do this asana, you have to stand with your feet 24 inches apart. You can do this asana by standing near a wall. After this, while inhaling, try to bend your right arm straight up and tilt it to the left. Then start exhaling while coming to the normal position. Similarly, repeat this process for the other side as well. By doing this asana, one gets rid of the problems in childbirth along with back pain.

Hasta Panangastasana

Lie on your back. Straighten your legs. Keep your body in one line. Keep your hands in T-position and palms down. Don't try too hard. Try to hold your toe with your straight hand and come back. This posture strengthens the spine.


first, stand on the knees, then while bending backwards, slowly lie down on the back. Leaning the body backward, take the support of the elbows and after lying down, keep both the knees together. Keep the fingers of both your hands open on the chest. While practising the asana, keep your breathing slow. This asana is beneficial in childbirth. It should not be done after the fourth month. Blood circulation remains correct by this asana.

Take these precautions while doing yoga

There are some asanas which you cannot continue in all the three trimesters of pregnancy. For example, Konasana- it should not be done after the seventh month of pregnancy.

If you are feeling uncomfortable while doing any asana, then stop that asana immediately without stretching your muscles much.

Do not do too many forward bending postures or poses, due to which any kind of extra pressure is felt on the stomach. Also, the asanas that are done lying on the stomach should not be done at all.

If you start feeling headache, chest pain or dizziness while doing any yoga posture, then stop doing yoga immediately. Apart from this, even if there is breathlessness, the heartbeat starts increasing, and then the exercise should be stopped.

Before starting prenatal yoga in pregnancy, please consult your doctor. The most important thing is that you listen to your body. If you feel right then continue doing yoga it will be safe. But the moment you start feeling uncomfortable, stop immediately and consult a doctor.
