INVESTITURE CEREMONY 2024-25 at Cambridge International School Co-Ed Jalandhar : An Essence of Leadership and Responsibility

Cambridge International School Co-Ed as an educational institute envisages empowering the young minds not only with knowledge but also wisdom and vision so as to create enlightened citizens of tomorrow.

Punjab, Trending, Cambridge International School Co-Ed Jalandhar, The Investiture Ceremony, Academic Session 2024-25, Council Members, Chairman Mr. Nitin Kohli, Vice Chairman Mr Deepak Bhatia, Vice President Mr. Parth Bhatia, Executive Director Mr. Dhruv Bhatia- True Scoop

Investiture ceremony is a significant feature and a tradition, eagerly awaited by all the students of the school. We at Cambridge International School Co-Ed Jalandhar tap the quality of leadership in the early years and try to bring out the best in each so that they too can be significant and meaningful leaders of tomorrow. Donning the mantle of responsibility, they pledge to dispense their duties to the best of their abilities.

Cambridge International School Co-Ed as an educational institute envisages empowering the young minds not only with knowledge but also wisdom and vision so as to create enlightened citizens of tomorrow. To ingrain the leadership qualities amongst the students, the school held the momentous occasion- The Investiture Ceremony for the Academic Session 2024-25 on 18th May 2024. The ceremony signified the reliance and confidence that the school consigned in the new office bearers.

With the blessings of Almighty, the ceremony marked the beginning with the traditional ceremony of Lamp Lighting as a deep obeisance to Mother Saraswati- The Goddess of Knowledge, followed by welcome of the august gathering. The ex-students of the school-Yashik Jain, Head Boy (2019-20) and Gajinder Nath Sharma, Head Boy (2018-19) lighted the ceremonial lamp along with all the dignitaries to bless the newly selected Student council. With the vigorous beats of the School Band and a marching tune playing, the New Council marched in procession. The atmosphere turned lively with a school song and a mesmerizing musical performance displaying the spark of believing in oneself.

Badges always hold a significant place in leader’s life reminding them of the powers and the position that they have been vested with. The Council Members to be instilled with the badge at the first were the Junior Head Boy Pryansh Sharma and Junior Head Girl Amaira Mahajan. Next were the Junior Sports Captains Vikrant Vaarma and Inayat Jain. Then came the Junior Literary Heads Saavi Pandey and Amaira Bindra followed by the Junior Cultural Heads Dhiren Gupta and Rubani Kaur and Junior Media Heads Kashvi Sandhu and Pragun Puri. Following the vision of the legendary Sh. Rabindra Nath Tagore, his famous verse-Where the Mind is without Fear was reiterated empowering our students to pace up with the global challenges.

The momentous day then dawned to bestow the responsibilities to the Senior Torch Bearers. The Council Members to be instilled with the badge at the first were the Senior Head Boy Pawanveer Singh and Senior Head Girl Mannat Syal . Following them were the Senior Vice Head Boy Daksh Jain and Senior Vice Head Girl Aanya Duggal. Next were the Senior Sports Captains Rutvik Singh Arora and Gurjot Singh. Then came the Senior Literary Heads Kavya Soni and Gauri Kaur followed by the Senior Cultural Heads Dhruhi Ratti and Aryansh Budhiraj; Senior Media Heads- Mishthi Jairath and Purvi Sharda.

The Proud parents of the Junior and Senior Head Boy and Head girl adorned the badges to the Junior and Senior Council along with the dignitaries. Hence, conforming their eminent role in every endeavor the school takes.

A school flag is a symbol of pride, respect, commitment and integrity towards the school and the society. The flag ceremony was solemnised by handing over the prestigious School Flag to the Head Boy and Sports Captains. The newly elected office bearers moved a step further through an Oath Ceremony making a promise to discharge their duties honestly. The parents of the Council Members were filled with pride at the sight of their children marching steadily towards being leaders of tomorrow. After the vote of thanks by the Head Boy and Head Girl, the ceremony came to a glorious end amidst a huge round of applause.

The Chairman Mr. Nitin Kohli, Vice Chairman Mr Deepak Bhatia, Vice President Mr. Parth Bhatia and Executive Director Mr. Dhruv Bhatia applauded all the students and encouraged them to be the role models and render their responsibilities sincerely as the nation builders of tomorrow.

Our honourable President Ms Pooja Bhatia congratulated the newly elected Student Council and advised them to put in honest efforts for every endeavour and become an inspiration for others. She emphasized the importance of leadership, responsibility, and integrity, urging the Council members to set a positive example for their peers and contribute to the school’s legacy of excellence.

Our worthy Principal congratulated the Student Council and also advised the students to inculcate the values of punctuality, dedication, discipline and determination.

The Educational Officer, Vice Principal, Headmistress, Coordinators, House Heads, Sports Department and teachers congratulated the newly elected members of Student Council and encouraged them to fulfil their duties with honesty and commitment.

The event concluded with the National Anthem. The day moved towards the end where the parents were filled with applauds and words of appreciation for the uncountable efforts that were put by our students and the teachers.
