First the Coronavirus and now a Tick Borne Virus?

Chinese officials have now reportedly warned about a possibility of human transmission.

Coronavirus COVID19 COVID

The world is still grappling with the coronavirus, a disease that has infected more than 18 million people and claimed the lives of approximately700,000 people globally. China, the epicenter of the cornonavirus has now reported a new "tick borne virus" that has reportedly claimed the lives of 7 and infected 60 people. A woman from Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, who suffered from the virus showed onset of symptoms such as fever, coughing. Doctors found a decline of leukocyte, blood platelet inside of her body.

Chinese officials have now reportedly warned about a possibility of human transmission.

If this does happen to be the case then it could turn out to be a major blow that could completely cripple the world that is barely trying to recover from an already prevalent global pandemic.

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More than 37 people in East China’s Jiangsu Province contracted with the SFTS Virus in the first half of the year. Later, 23 people were found to have been infected in East China’s Anhui province.

It now remains to be seen how the Chinese authority tackles this "tick borne virus".  
