NIA arrests absconding associate of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested an absconding associate of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi over his involvement in the terrorist-gangster drug smuggling network, an official said on Saturday.

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The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested an absconding associate of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi over his involvement in the terrorist-gangster drug smuggling network, an official said on Saturday.

The accused was identified as Yudhvir Singh alias Sandhu, a resident of Fatehabad, Haryana.

"He was an associate of the notorious jailed gangster, Lawrence Bishnoi. He was evading arrest for the past several days," the NIA official said.

He said NIA investigations have revealed that Yudhvir used to smuggle weapons from across-the-border for use by dreaded gangsters and criminals in various parts of India.

On the directions of Bishnoi and syndicate members, he also used to harbour associates of criminal gang members.

"The NIA had earlier chargesheeted 14 accused on March 24 under various sections of the IPC, Arms Act and UA(P) Act. The case pertains to a conspiracy hatched by members of criminal syndicate/gangs based in India and abroad, to raise funds, and recruit youth to carry out terrorist acts in Delhi and other parts of the country.

"Investigations have so far revealed that the conspiracies were being hatched in jails of different states and were being executed by an organised network of operatives based abroad," said the official.

Further investigation in the matter is on.
