Remote learning likely to be future of India; Is it an opportunity or challenge to deal with?

Remote learning’s accessibility, affordability and versatility is benefit to India. Utilizing it is an on-going challenge faced by Indians.

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What decades of implementation were not able to do, the COVID-19 pandemic was surely victorious in doing the same. The pandemic brought many changes and remote learning was one of the drastic transitions in education. The year 2020 saw a shift from physical school to virtual mode, exploring a method of learning.

Remote learning is a way of education where neither students or teachers are present physically but they study through various technological aids. Zoom and Goggle-classroom were the two most important aspects that became everyone’s life during the pandemic. Apart from those two, YouTube, Byju’s and others have become the likeable platforms for education where you can search for any topic and find videos uploaded by professionals. While some of them are free others charge money to provide you with study material.  

Nowadays, there are millions of websites and applications available for distance education in India. Some are authentic, some are not but this field has opened a new pathway for education-seekers and givers.

But there are many questions regarding if this method can overpower physical schooling 

Reports have shown students of the 2020 session neglecting their studies during online teaching. They were seen logging into classes via Zoom, putting the phone on the side and going back to sleep. With parents forcing their children to attend classes properly, they played games while looking at the screen. 

Online teaching not only affected their way of studying but also caused various health-related problems. Children’s screen time increased affecting their eyesight and health overall.

So, is Distant Learning not good? 

Rural children with little to no resources for decent education can have access to the same education as an urban child. 
Children who cannot attend school due to financial issues can have access to education too. Adults who want to learn can study too in their own time. 
People are shifting to remote learning drastically after Covid-19. They find it convenient. With no hassle of getting up, going to institutes and studying there.  
But how long can you keep up with learning with no outer force or pressure? 
It is quite easy to get distracted especially when it comes to studying on phones with entertainment just one swipe away. 

