As per latest information received retired ADGP of Punjab IPS Rakesh Chandra has come under scanner of the Vigilance Bureau due to his assets being more than his income. Initiation of investigation by Vigilance Bureau regarding IPS Rakesh Chandra might increase problems for him.
Sources from Vigilance Bureau have also revealed that retired ADGP has a farmhouse situated in Shivalik Hills and raid is being carried out there as well about the income asset discrepancy case. Sources further added that investigation is at its preliminary stage and it might see major developments in coming days.
Vigilance Bureau in its aim to achieve corruption-free Punjab has already taken hold of various former ministers like Sadhu Singh Dharmsot, Sundar Shyam Arora, Bharat Bhushan Ashu, etc. IAS Sanjay Popli was also arrested by Vigilance Bureau. It is also being stated that more than a dozen IAS officers are also on radar on VB. Main cases are related to forest and GST scams but their sanction for prosecution is still pending from department’s side.