A disturbing video went viral on social media on Friday when some people caught a youth allegedly under the influence sitting inside a Thar. The video was shared on X with the claims that the incident took place in Sangrur, Punjab, and some people recovered pregabalin capsules also known as 'Ghode Wale Capsules' from his possession. It is alleged that the youths of Punjab are buying pregabalin capsules from medical stores in large numbers and are using them as recreational drugs. If the claims of the social media user are true, approximately 15-20 crore pregabalin capsules are being sold daily in Punjab. True Scoop cannot verify the claim.
In the viral video, people can be heard saying that the youth rammed his SUV multiple times as he was allegedly driving under the influence of pregabalin capsules. Not only this, but the video also showcased one pregabalin capsule lying beneath the driver's seat. For the unversed, Pregabalin is used to treat epilepsy, orthopedic patients, and anxiety disorders. A separate report suggests that veterinarians in Punjab’s Malwa belt, known for its stud farms, use high doses of pregabalin to treat neuropathic pain in horses, hence the name' Ghode Wale Capsules'.
It is pertinent to mention here that the sale of Pregabalin capsules without a prescription is banned in multiple districts of Punjab due to its abuse. However, consumption of pregabalin is not punishable under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
In 2023, Bathinda became the second district after Mansa to ban pregabalin sales. In the 2023 report, (then) Deputy Commissioner Showkat Ahmad Parray said a panel constituted in May under the civil surgeon submitted a detailed report about the easy availability of the habit-forming drug. “The expert stated that drug with more than 75mg dosage is rarely prescribed by doctors and it is often abused. Members of the Bathinda chapter of the Indian Medical Association and Chemists Association also corroborated the experts’ report and supported the ban on the sale of pregabalin dosage of more than 75 mg."
Talking about pregabalin capsule consumption, drug addicts reportedly take it in doses 5-20 times higher than the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Pregabalin acts like a sleeping pill and in overdose can cause epileptic seizures or sudden death. Therefore, it has been reclassified as a Schedule V drug in the US, a Class C controlled drug in the UK, and in other countries for its potential for abuse.
It is pertinent to mention here that the centre approved the production of Pregabalin (75 mg, 150 mg, and 300 mg) in 2005 for the treatment of anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, partial seizures, alcohol, and opioid withdrawal in people. But, it attained popularity as recreational drug during 2020 pandemic due to non-availability of Heroin owing to lockdown.