First Story Positive: Arpan Banerjee gives a helping hand to helpless and needy

Arpan Banerjee from West Bengal has been helping the destitute at his own expense for the past 22 years

Youth, India, Trending, First Story Positive, Arpan Banerjee, Karimpur West Bengal, Positive News, Motivational Stories, Inspirational Stories- True Scoop

There is no better teacher than experience, and some experiences in life teach you a valuable lesson that you’re never going to forget. Something similar happened with Arpan Banerjee of Karimpur, West Bengal. For the past 22 years, Arpan has been visiting and helping the needy in six to seven orphanages and more than five old age homes in West Bengal. Over the years, Arpan has given gifts, clothes, shelter and most importantly his time to these people on every occasion.  


The special thing is that Arpan started this work at his own expense and  today he is doing this humanitarian work regularly by investing more than half of his earnings into this noble cause. But what is even more special is the story behind selfless motivations.


Actually, Arpan was a troublemaker in his childhood. For this reason, his family had him put in an ashram during his studies from seventh to eighth class. When Arpan was living in the ashram, he could meet his mother only once a month. But he saw that there were some children in the ashram whom no one came to see. He thought that perhaps they did not have anyone of their own. 


Then at the tender age, Arpan thought that he would become the family of those who don’t have one. And till today, he is keeping that promise he made to himself. 


In the beginning, when there was no income, he used to donate his blood. With time, he started working as a property agent and then with his earnings, he started serving and helping the destitute in nearby orphanages and old age homes apart from his own city. Today, many of his friends also help him in this noble work. Not only this, Arpan also takes full care of the needs of the destitute people living on the streets of Karimpur. Arpan’s lofty goals include wanting to build a permanent shelter for the destitute people living on the streets. He wants everyone to feel like they have a home and that they belong.

