First Story Positive: Dr. Mala Matha’s generosity providing 2500 animals with a new life

She gives a voice to voiceless and helpless, having rescued over 2500 animals over the span of the last 14 years

Youth, India, Trending, First Story Positive, Dr. Mala Matha, Animal Shelter, Animal Rescue, Stray Animals Rescue, Positive News, Motivational News, Inspirational Story Positive Story, Motivational Quotes- True Scoop

You must have seen many animal lovers who feed the strays and love them unconditionally. But there are very few people who sacrifice their entire life to protect the helpless and voiceless. One such special person who has made it the goal of her life to work for the voiceless. Dr. Mala Matha of Udaipur has given new life to not one or two but more than 2500 animals by rescuing them over the last 14 years. Not only this, she’s 39 and voluntarily unmarried, fully devoted to her noble cause. 


She got the inspiration to do this work from her parents. But while feeding or playing with the dogs around her in her childhood, she never dreamt that one day this would become the purpose of his life. Dr. Mala, who has worked in the mental health field, is currently also working on the Chiranjeevi scheme run by the Rajasthan government. Along with this, she also started her NGO 'Animal Protection Society’. Through it she is also helping the injured and sick voiceless people in the villages around Udaipur city.


She says that 14 years ago, when she was working for these animals in the urban area, she noticed that even in the city, these animals get timely medical facilities. But there is no one to take care of the strays wandering outside the villages and cities. Therefore, she decided to work in the outskirts of the city and she established her NGO to tackle this issue.


Enticed by this noble initiative of Dr. Mala, some of her friends also diligently help her with this mission. Her team not only rescues injured dogs but also does work like making them wear radium belts to protect them from accidents, building shelters for them in winter and doing their regular vaccination and sterilization.
