First Story Positive: Patiala woman provides shelter to the voiceless in her own home

Sushma Singh has been sheltering the homeless strays since she was 9 in her own home with the support of her family

Punjab, Trending, Sushma Singh, First Story Positive, Positive News, Motivational News, Inspirational News, Positive Quotes, Patiala News, Punjab News Local, Chopaya Jeev Foundation- True Scoop

Sushma Singh of Patiala has been rescuing animals since the age of 9. Not just her, but her whole family is engaged in the selfless act of helping the voiceless. She provides shelter to the homeless strays in her own home. Her noble family helps her in taking care of the poor pups who would otherwise be trailing in streets, injured and helpless.


Sushma says that all the animals that she has taken into her home are like her own children to her. She cares and provides for them along with her brother and her 70-year-old mother. They provide food for almost 300 animals in their area every day! There are certain paralysed animals in her house that they care for as well.


The 42-year-old works in a private college and spends her entire salary towards providing shelter to the helpless and voiceless. For the past 30 years, she had been running this business only on her family’s savings and earnings. But her dedication to her cause means that her beloved ‘children’ never sleep hungry, even for a day. Her average expenditure aggregates to rs 1-1.5 lakh every month. With this much expenditure, there came a time when she really started to feel a deficit in her funds.


So in order to compensate, she started an organisation named ‘Chopaya Jeev Raksha Foundation’. She receives help through her friends via the organisation, but anyone can contribute and provide help. Sushma understands that it is not easy to extend your own home to help shelter the poor voiceless and helpless animals, but it is definitely possible to provide a helping hand to those who can. They can be contacted on their Facebook or other social media pages.
