Surprise iftar meal for a passenger onboard Shatabdi Express!

The catering staff of Shatabdi Express won the hearts of people when they showed a sweet gesture remembering Ramadan.

Eid Ramadan Roza
Eid is celebrated to thank God with a special congregational Eid Prayer. The theme of this festival is centered around fasting at the end of the month. Spending some quality time with friends and family. This month is also called ‘Ramadan month’ where they dress up on the Eid morning, meet and greet their loved ones and wish them ‘Eid Mubarak’. 

In this month of fasting, they open their fast in the evening which is called ‘Iftar’. It has savory snacks like samosa, chicken pakora, veggie pakora, halwa, kebabs and many other dishes are included.  Recently, the catering staff of Shatabdi Express won the hearts of people when they showed a sweet gesture remembering Ramadan. 

A passenger onboard Shatabdi Express got a surprise iftar meal which reflected their kind gesture. The attendants who offered iftar meal belonged to Howrah-Ranchi Shatabdi Express, they felt concerned about the recent religious clashes in India. So, they decided to lighten up the environment and surprised the passenger.

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The passenger was about to open his fast, as it was the time of iftar and he was pleasantly surprised when the staff brought his iftar. The person later took his Twitter account to thank the Indian Railways and wrote “Thank you #IndianRailways for the #Iftaras soon as I boarded Howrah #Shatabdi at Dhanbad, I got my snacks. I requested the pantryman to bring tea a little late as I am fasting. He confirmed by asking, aap roza hai? I nodded in yes. Later someone else came with iftar”.
