The story of 700 students getting duped and deported from Canada

All the 700 students facing deportation had applied for study visa from Education Migration Services situated in Jalandhar which is headed by Brijesh Mishra.

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700 Indian students were served with deportation notices by Canadian authorities after their 'admission offer letters' to educational institutions turned out to be fake. The Canadian Border Security Agency recently found out that Visa documents applied by students for PR were fake. Deportation notice to 700 Indian students has come out as a major blow to Indian Government as well as the Indian students. Reportedly, all the 700 students facing deportation had applied for study visa from Education Migration Services situated in Jalandhar which is headed by Brijesh Mishra. As per information, Brijesh Mishra charged around Rs.16-20 lakhs per student which included everything from admission fees to premier institute Humber College.

What happened with students?

Around 700 students went to Canada on a study basis in year 2018-19. When they went to the University for studies, it stated that seats are full and they have to take admission somewhere else. Students by paying their own money took admission in other colleges, got work permits as well but came under scrutiny during PR varication. When these students applied for PR in Canada, it turned out that documents based on which the visas were issued to the students and ‘admission offer letters' were fake. Post this CBSA-issued letter of deportation to the following students.

How did the students fall into scam?

The Education Migration Services situated in Jalandhar and headed by Brijesh Mishra assured students of study visas. During the whole process, the immigration officer asked students to pay college fees to them and not to the college directly. Post this, they took the money and made a fake college ‘appointment letter’ for students. When the students went there, they were told that seats are full. This compelled them to take admission in another university. But when the students applied for PR their Study visa appointment letter and college in which they were studying were different. Further investigation revealed that the appointment letter was fake and students have been scammed.

What will be the consequence of this fraud?

Talking about the consequences, Canadian authorities have already served the students with deportation notice. These 700 students can appeal in the court which will take around 3-4 years to get solved. Consequences faced by Education Migration Services would be that they will have to return money to students or might also face a legal action against them.

Who is Brijesh Mishra?

Brijesh Mishra runs an immigration office in Jalandhar named Education Migration Services. His office was raided 10 years back by Jalandhar Police over another immigration issue. After the news of 700 students being deported surfaced, Jalandhar police is looking for him but he is currently not being found.

Reason for such kind of frauds

The increased number of Indians applying to go to Canada has resulted in immigration offices carrying out these frauds and scams. There are limited colleges in Canada and not every Indian student is eligible to get admission. Due to this, immigration offices go the other way and send students through frauds or scams.

This case might affect the approval of study visas of other Indian students who have authentic documents. Along with immigration office, police and government authorities are also at fault as they are not able to stop mushrooming of illegal immigration offices.

To save yourself from this kind of fraud:

1. Make sure to visit gov website where government-approved immigration agents and offices are mentioned.

2. Make sure to pay college fees by your own self and not any immigration agents

3. Make sure to call management authority of college and confirm your admission
