Tomato Flu in Kerala: What is this new Flu, How it is affecting kids, symptoms & prevention tips

What is Tomato Flu: The havoc of Coronavirus has not stopped yet and a new virus named Tomato Fever or Tomato Flu has put parents to sleep.

Tomato-Flu -What-is-Tomato-Flu -Tomato-Flu-Symptoms
What is Tomato Flu: The havoc of Coronavirus has not stopped yet and a new virus named Tomato Fever or Tomato Flu has put parents to sleep. A mysterious disease has been detected in children below five years of age in many parts of Kerala. Which is called Tomato Fever. 

So far 82 children have been affected by Tomato Fever in the state. Now, we'll discuss what is tomato fever and what are its symptoms and prevention measures. 

What is Tomato Fever/Flu -

Tomato Fever is a viral infection that affects children under the age of 5. This viral infection is named tomato flu because when infected with this flu, children get a red coloured rash like tomato on their body and due to this causes burning and itching on the skin. 

Apart from this, the patient child also gets a high fever after getting infected with this disease. Children who get infected with tomato flu have a severe body and joint pain along with the problem of dehydration.

Tomato Flu Symptoms-

Its main symptoms include dehydration, skin rash, skin irritation or itching. But these symptoms can also be seen in a child suffering from this virus.

Tomato-like rash and rash on the body.

- High fever. 

- Pain in body and joints. 

- Swollen joints. 

-Abdominal cramps and pain.

- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. 

- Cough, sneezing and runny nose. 

- Change in hand colour. 

- Dry mouth. 

- Dehydration. 

- Excessive fatigue. 

- Skin irritation. 

Tomato Flu Causes -

Tomato flu is a rare disease that is seen in children below 5 years of age. This is the reason that the health department has not been able to give any accurate information about it so far. Due to the lack of information about it, it is very difficult to say that due to which this disease is spreading or what are its reasons.

Prevention of Tomato Flu

This is a rare type of flu, so children infected with it are also being treated like flu.

- If you see any of the above-mentioned symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

- Give the infected child boiled clean water, so that he/she can stay hydrated.

-Prevent the child from itching on the blisters or rashes.

- Take care of cleanliness around the house and for the child. 

- Take a bath with warm water.

- Keep a distance from the infected child.

- Eat a healthy diet.
