What happened to Amanda Bynes? US actress on psychiatric hold after roaming naked in Los Angeles

Famous for her role in movies like "Hairspray" and "She's the Man", Amanda Bynes naked roaming post has been breaking the internet, and putting her on psychiatric hold has broken the hearts of her fans

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In a shocking development, famous American actress Amanda Bynes has been placed in a psychiatric hold after she was found road around the streets of Los Angeles naked and alone. Famous for her role in movies like "Hairspray" and "She's the Man", Amanda Bynes naked roaming post has been breaking the internet, and putting her on psychiatric hold has broken the hearts of her fans and many Americans. Now, the question arises what happened to Amanda Bynes and why she was roaming naked in the streets of downtown Los Angeles? To know continue reading-

As per reports, Bynes had flagged down a passing car and told the driver that she was "coming down from a psychotic episode" before calling 911 for herself. The incident reportedly took place in the early hours of Sunday morning. The 36-year-old actress was subsequently taken to a nearby police station where a mental health team decided to place her on a 5150 psychiatric hold. This legal action from the California Welfare and Institutions Code allows a qualified officer to confine someone against their will for 72 hours, although this can be extended. During this time, the person will be fully assessed for their mental health status.

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As per TMZ report, it was last year when Amanda's 9-year conservatorship was officially terminated. Amanda's mother was her conservator starting back in 2013 when it was clear she was having issues with her mental health -she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. After a series of bizarre incidents -- including one where she set her neighbor's driveway on fire, almost engulfing her dog in flames -- she was sent to a psychiatric ward for treatment.
