Who is Deepak Samal? Delhi travel vlogger accuses RPF officer of carrying out shameful act inside train

Vlogger & travel agent Deepak Samal was traveling Assam's Guwahati to Rangapara North Junction on the Donyi Polo Express train's sleeper coach when he met a shameful RPF officer

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The train journey from Assam's Guwahati to Rangapara North Junction turned horrible for a Delhi-based vlogger after an RPF officer allegedly carried out a shameful act. Vlogger & travel agent Deepak Samal was traveling Assam's Guwahati to Rangapara North Junction on the Donyi Polo Express train's sleeper coach when he met a shameful RPF officer. Talking to a news portal, Deepak Samal narrated that he was molested by an RPF officer on the train on April 25.  , Samal said that the incident happened in the middle of the night while he was sleeping on the side lower aisle berth. Below is what Deepak Samal said- 


"...somebody flashed a torch on my face. I woke up to see a muscular man in a uniform peering down at me, and I thought he was an RPF officer conducting a routine check.." said Deepak adding that the RPF officer asked about his details including name, address, etc. "I was surprised by the incident, but I thought those were routine questions," he added. Soon after, the officer proceeded to sit on the vlogger's berth.  "I had placed my backpack on the berth so there was very little space left, but he proceeded to sit by my legs. I thought he was tired and because he was an officer, I did not give it much thought and went back to sleep,"Deepak further revealed. 


Thereafter, Deepak Samal stated that he woke up again after he felt someone's elbow his private parts. "It was the RPF officer. Confused and disoriented, I thought maybe he did it by mistake, and I tried to go back to sleep," said Deepak. Then finally, Deepak, "felt someone grab his private parts.  He woke up to see the same officer again." "What do you think you are doing?" he shouted, to which he claims the man in uniform said "time-pass" before leaving the coach swiftly.


Who is Deepak Samal?


Deepak Samal is an aspiring travel vlogger who has made a cliche about solo traveling. Deepak enjoys 5.43 subscribers on YouTube, whereas on Instagram, Deepak enjoys almost 3K followers (while wiring). As per reports, Deepak hails from Rohini, New Delhi and professionally is a travel agent. 
