Who is Harnam Singh Khalsa? Damdami Taksal's Mukhi appeals Sikh families to have 5 kids

Harnam Singh Khalsa said that if the family cannot handle the responsibility of 5 kids should send them to him as he will raise them with a stronger connection to the Panth

Punjab, Trending, Harnam-Singh-Khalsa, Damdami-Taksal-Statement, Harnam-Singh-Dhumma, Harnam-Singh-Khalsa-5-kids-statement, Damdami-Taksal-Mukhi, Damdami-Taksal-Chief, Jarnail-Singh-Bhindrawale-Successors, Sikhism, Sikhs- True Scoop

The 16th Mukhi of Damdami Taksal, Harnam Singh Khalsa, made a big statement on Tuesday. He appealed to the Sikh Community to bear at least 5 children per family.  Harnam Singh said that only 52% of Punjab’s population is Sikhs while the rest are outsiders. He said that in the future, Sikhs will be vastly outnumbered by outsiders in Punjab who will then proceed to mistreat the Sikhs.


Who is Harnam Singh Khalsa?

Harnam Singh Khalsa or Harnam Singh Dhumma is the 16th Mukhi of the Damdami Taksal preceded by Thakur Singh.  Harnam Singh had been a Sevadaar of Thakur Singh, who was the successor to Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Thakur Singh was an elderly member of the Taksal and had been assigned by the Jatha to carry on as Acting Mukhi in the absence of Jarnail Singh. Harnam Singh declared Thakur Singh as the 15th Mukhi and himself the incumbent 16th during a samagam in 2005 at Gurdwara Gurdarshan Parkash Mehta Chowk, held in commemoration of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.


Why 5 kids?

Harnam Singh said that each 'Sikh' household should have 5 kids. One should be kept at home, one should be handed over to Damdami Taksal, one should be sent to Kaar Sewa (selfless service), and others should be put to other Panthak services.


Harnam Singh said that the situation is such in Punjab that we would let our kids do drugs rather than send them to the Gurudwara. He further went on to say that those who cannot support the children can hand them over to him. He will teach them the ways of Sikhism and raise them to have a strong connection with the Gurudwara.


Harnam Singh said that these Sikhs will be revered across all nations. He will send them to do ‘Panth di Sewa’ (Service of the Panth). He also said that their forefathers used to have upmost of 7 kids in each family. None of them even left the country to settle abroad and still ate better ‘roti’ than the youth of today.
